A lot of people enjoy taking pictures using single use cameras – it’s a great and cheap way to start a journey into film photography or just to capture images at a party or family celebration. They are particularly popular to hand out at a wedding celebrations and it can be a fabulous surprise when the film is processed and the images are reviewed.
We process a lot of film from single use cameras at The Light Room and through time we’ve seen some great ‘grab shots’ taken, but also a lot of missed opportunities with blank images, dark shots where little is visible of ‘finger pics’ as I call them.
Here’s a few tips to help you get the best from your single use camera;
- Remember to charge the flash before use and allow it to recharge between shots (there should be a glowing red light). Utilise flash in nearly all pics except those that are taken in bright sunshine or in a well lit interior. The film is not as sensitive as your eyes (or mobile phone) so give yourself the best chance to capture those special moments and use the flash.
- What you see through the viewfinder is not what the camera sees some make sure your fingers (of anything else) don’t obscure the small plastic lens in front and centre of the camera. It’s also worth mentioning that sunscreened lense take blurry shots so if you’re at the beach – before taking a pic make sure the lens is clean by giving it a quick wipe with a clean tissue or soft cloth.
- If your taking portraits of people, the optimum distance away is between 1-3metres if using the flash. Any closer and they will be overexposed and washed out, any further and the flash won’t reach them. However, outdoors in a bright and sunny environment they can be further away.
- Finally – have fun with your entry level single use camera and when you’ve finished the roll, bring it to The Light Room to be processed……..and buy your next camera!
If you check out our Instagram page @thelightroom_sydney there is a short video with more information about single use camera use. Or go straight to our Youtube channel and take a look.